Exhibition and event audits

Trust & accountability | Industry backed standards & representation


Joining the Audited Media Association of Australia (AMAA), you will participate with industry peers in setting new standards, become an advocate for audited data and accountability, increase your events credibility and gain access to the AMAA's member resources.

What is an event audit?

The Exhibition Audit Reporting Standard was developed by event organisers who worked on defining performance metrics and developing an audit service that would lift the event industry’s profile. These are your standards. The event audit service contributes to the health of the event industry’s ecosystem:

  • Provide audited, comparable and standardised event performance data to those who invest in trade, consumer and/or conference events
  • Promote the economic benefits events bring by providing audited attendance data
  • Deliver a robust measurement to media buyers

What information is verified?

An event audit is a committment to verify your attendance figures and to develop relationships with your clients based on trust. Real, actual data about your event, available to exhibitors and media buyers nationally.

Here are some of the metrics we audit:

  • Unique Visitor Attendance (UVA) - a person counted only once during the entire duration of the show. This is the AMAA's core event audit metric.
  • Daily Breakdowns 
  • Repeat Visits
  • Total Visits (UV + Repeat Visits)
  • Geographical Analysis
  • Profile Demographics and more...


Exhibition and event audit fees start at $487 per event plus an annual membership fee of $173 (inc GST)