You can access ABA’s Quick Data at . Once here simply enter in your email address when prompted and then hit go. If you are already a registered user for Data you will also be prompted to enter in your password.

Search for a specific title or Publisher
You can then start searching for audited print titles, websites, email newsletters and digital publications. Simply type the name of part of the name into the Enter a Masthead field and hit GO.
You can also search by publisher name as well, again simply type the name into the Enter a Masthead field.
Tip: If no results are found try by typing just part of the title e.g. for the Canberra Chronicle try jus Canberra and browse the result returned. If still no results are returned it may be bacuse the title is not audited. Call the Audit Bureaux of Australia on +61 (0)2 9954 9800 or email to find out the full story.

The results of your search will be displayed and you can then choose the most relevant option to view the full details. If you were search for a publisher you would see all the publications that are audited by that publisher.

Click the magnifying glass symbol at the top right hand side of the screen to start a new search.

Browse by Media Type
You can choose to browse by a media type such as magazines, websites or newspapers. Simply click on the Browse by Media Type on the search page.

Select the media type you are interested in.

You can scroll through the list until you find a title you are interested in. Click on a title to view the full details for that title.
TIP: You can choose to filter your results if you need by clicking on the drop down menus at the top.

Click the magnifying glass symbol to start a new search.